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Tube tyre repair kit


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G'day folks from Brisbane Australia

I'm riding in the Manx Classic in the IoM this September on a Cub and the thing I worry about most is getting a puncture and fixing it in the best and quickest way possible so I thought I would ask for some advice here.

Besides carrying all the tyre levers and spare tube around for two days is there a kit you can recommend  that will hold a low pressure tube around the sections and tracks of the IoM for two days (worst case scenario).

Please be specific, whats it called and where do I get one and what is the cost.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated, this is my last attempt at the Manx as I am now 72 and I really want to finish to get my finishers mug, which costs me $5000 each time .

Incidentally is there anyone older than me riding this year ?????




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I just use Michelin heavy duty enduro tubes and carry a bog standard old style motorcycle puncture outfit.  The HD tubes (not the ultra hd ones) seem to help guard aginst compression punctures.  

I don't personally carry any of the aerosol type repairs but I'm sure some will come along who do.

One time I was spectating at the Manx Classic and the CoC took control of a puncture repair for a guy who had got left behind.  He left the wheel in place, took the tyre off one side of the rim then slipped the tube out as far as poss without removing the valve from the rim.  He then found and pulled a thorn out the tyre, pumped the tube up, found the leak, patched it and the guy was on his way in what seemed like minutes compared to taking the wheel out.

Obviously not so easy to run your hand round the inside of the tyre to check it's clear but if there's an obvious cause then you're mostways there.

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This is the one I use, small, light, tapered edges, cheap & two minutes for the glue to dry if applied thinly. Get 'em from a cycle shop. 

I always carry two tubes as well.

Message me if ye stuck, I'll send one to the IoM for ye, I'me a bit nearer than you are.



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I carry these in the bumbag - https://www.cyclerepublic.com/skabs-bike-tube-peel-and-stick-patches.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIyqOHseiJ2wIV14XVCh0sxAIQEAQYAiABEgKbk_D_BwE work just as well as the above ones, but no need to faff around with glue etc, just peel and stick over the hole.  But for a big event like the Manx I would carry a front tube with me too, because you can get away with putting a front in the rear in an emergency.  Have a few spare tubes in the van and you should be fine I'd say.  


I recently put together a bumbag for the TY, as I have another one that I use for my modern enduro bike.  The CO2 cartridge type air pumps (get 25g cartridges if you can find them) are great too! 

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