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320 Engine lock


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I was wondering if anyone out there in Trials land has had a 320 4 stroke engine lock up whilst trying to kick it over / start up. This has recently happened to mine, a 2011 model, and we're trying to sort out where the problem may be. It locks that bad that you can basically stand on the kick starter & it wont budge, but put it into top gear & roll it backwards & it unlocks, give it one kick is fine but then locks again during a second kick.

Any help or information would be appreciated, especially if someone else has had a similar experience with one of these & as only a handful of these were sold in Australia information is limited so I'm hoping someone out there may know something.

Thanks in advance!



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  • 1 month later...

Hi all,

Its taken awhile (mainly sourcing a flywheel puller which I've managed to borrow with thanks to our importer) but i finally have answers - the top section of the front plastic cam chain guide broke off & lodged down in the bottom cam chain sprocket, locking up the engine when i went to start it. Hopefully now, with a few new parts, we'll back underway!!

Thanks to all for the replies & help.

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