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Oset 12.5 - Lipo Conversion??


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Hello all,

My 5yr old has turned a corner and has not started to ride his 12.5r!

But, the battery life is terrible!

Does anyone have a basic guide to a lipo conversion?

- What to buy

- how to wire


I've had a quick look at some posts, but my mind is a little fried!!!





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If you happy to buy the components and make a pack with all the safety cut out features fir charging great, if not, like me i had to stump out and buy a ready made sealed pack from boost bikes. Not cheap but worth every penny for the extra smiles when it ladts longer

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all, 

first of all, I apologize for my poor english, I'm french ;-)

I've just bought a 20 R to my 8 year old son, He really enjoy it all day long, but it's really long to have to recharge every 45 mn of use for 2H, then I have tried to understand all what you write about LIPO...with my poor english and my very poor knowing in electric system.

For resume, Is anyone could tell me the simple way (and safer) to do this upgrade, and the gain we'll have.



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