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Can't start my 125 pro!


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There are no drainage points on that crank/ combustion side of the motor. Transmission is totally separate so oil and magnet debris is not relevant to his immediate problems .  Two tanks of straight fuel without oil on an old tired  2003 motor....your bearings and cages are breaking up...$$ 

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Alex, regarding the crank. Generally what happens is a new corod kit is ordered and then the crank is pressed apart with an alignment jig in a hydraulic press and back together with new goodies...Not sure what state of wear/condition your barrel is in ,weather its useable or not. If it is useable you now have to measure it up to figure which size piston to fit.. At the point your at there, like I said, a good shop...and a credit card would be good advice,... second really look over your bike and see if the shock is leaking oil..forks , etc and other issues that you might want to consider before proceeding?? In some cases this is the point that one might really think about stepping up to something a little newer?? Just my two cents, Truly wish all works out well there....(Set of engine gaskets and new o-rings for cylinder head,might consider a newer style metalized base gasket ,as they tend to last longer):thumbup: Oh, Dont forget to label the fuel can and bike?

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There was definitely something hitting the head. Id want to split the crank to see the total damage before ordering anything. 

No offence, but judging by your knowledge i dont think you have much hope repairing this correctly on your own. I understand your will to want to repair this yourself, but spltting crankcases and rebuilding a crank is definitely for experienced people.

Edited by faussy
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