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Wr Who's Coming?

brian r

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Hotel accomodations are going quickly. There are a couple of places within 10 minutes of the TTC [one so shady I wouldn't even suggest the Beave stay there] but I've booked off the main HWY right in between the TTC and Chatanooga. Close enough to get to the TTC [about 20 minues] in the AM and close enough to Chatanooga [about 10 minutes]in the PM to get front row seats at the..er..BAR, yeah that's it, the bar.


For the life of me I don't know how anyone is going to be able to tell who I am, or any of the other Team Full Monty boys are. I'm sure we'll be so quiet and incognito that no one will even notice we're there. :madsanta:

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I will be the 42 year old very good looking guy with the umbrella girls hanging around me. In certain sunlight I look like I am balding, but it is more of an optical allusion.

If the umbrella girls dont work out :D I will probally be hanging with Ringo at the bar.

I could also be the guy getting beat up by Lane for all of my comments about his posts.

What about Copemach. He will be the guy chasing the Umbrella girls or be at Hooters.

I dont think I will help polish trophies.

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Look for an over 50 guy with the burn scar on his left calf from doing some front yard practice on my Scorpa in shorts.

Can't wait!............Fried pork chops three sides and some single barrel!



Edited by Dabnabit
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I'll be the 40 year old guy with the Nikon D50 trying to snag a press bib....or the guy leaning waaay over the tape trying to get that great shot!

If the umberella girls work out for No Jive, look for me lurking around him! :D

Edited by Dabs Alot
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Don't worry there Ringo old pal, I'll talk them into coming out to TTC to watch and meet my friend the "Champion of the World" who can't ride the event because he hurt his knee.

Work on your fake French accent or something and change shirts so they don't think you're the champ of Hawaii.

If you play the "pity" card, theyll get you beer all day! :(

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