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Bike stalling with nose wheelies and hard impact


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Hi there,


  I've been progressing with nose wheelies recently but every time I get a good one where I'm at the balance point, the bike wants to die once I come down, as if it's running out of fuel.  I have to work the throttle for a good 5 seconds to keep it going.  This also happens with a hard splatter or any sort of heavier impact but it's not quite as extreme as the nose wheelie.  Does anyone have any ideas?  





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Had this problem with my 15 sherco 290. It's definetly float related, i can't remeber exaclty what was the problem (maybe flooding, but it was 3 years ago!) I sorted it by making sure float hieght was correct, tabs were allowing correct amount of float movement, and needdle/seat were shutting correctly. I think on the Splatshop blog, there is a good post with pictures showing exaclty what needs setting.

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Seen this on a couple of bikes that were only cured with a carb change. Then one day a friend’s bike started behaving the same and it turned out the choke was on  just a bit. So check your choke circuit to see if the seal at the bottom of the plunger is not sealing properly or the plunger travel is not going fully down.

it’s kinda left field but I stripped, cleaned and checked float level on  two seperate bikes that were later worked on by dealers and nothing worked. So the choke incident was the only correlation I’ve been able to find.

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  • 5 months later...

Aha!!  Got it figured out.  I read that article on splatshop about float heights numerous times, but I somehow missed this one piece (I'm attaching a link to that article below).

I messed with that float tab til I was blue in the face, and between work and getting back into enduro bikes I left the trials to the side.  I re-read the article.  The issue was the overflow bowl drain tube that sticks from the bottom of the bowl was rubbing up against the floats.  I bent it to the side, got it in the bike, and she's running perfect!

Thank you all for the help.  Hopefully this thread can help lead someone to the culprit of the same issue.



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I recently had more problems. So I replaced with new floats and needle and seat. Still it would stick and over flow. Finally removed the spring holder for the needle valve, and no more issue. But I have the travel limited by the tab.

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