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Cleaning Boots & Waterproofing


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hi, I just got a second hand pair of boot. They're in great condition and already appear to be 'nic-waxed' (?) quite heavily.

This is great, but I'm after some advice - should I just clean up the boot (get the mud off) and apply more waterproofing, or is there a way of getting the existing stuff off and starting from scratch?

Advice welcomed, and what is a good waterproofer available easily in the UK?

thanks muchly


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I use Carrs leather oil on my diadora 2stone's from feetup trialsport which seems to keep them from cracking, but it darkens them. Other peoples boots seem quite bright (same colour as new) so I don't know whether they're lazy buggers who don't oil their boots or whether they use something else :(

Edited by Beta120690
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cheers guys.

In the end I just brushed the old mud off with a bit of water, then with a cloth and re-applied some waterproof leather treatment I go cheaply from Millets.

I did however do some dusting yesterday and what do ya know - it was the spray with beeswax. I didn't try it on my boots as I'd already done them with the 'propper stuff', but I did spray onto a table and left it a while and did notice quite an impressive residue. I think it probably does work, so when I get lazy or the tub of 'propper stuff' runs out I may switch to that. (I just didn't believe you t-shock 250. Sorry :closedeyes:

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the best thing to do is to get a stiff brush and scrub them down, then dry them. now take a shallow boil and half fill it with boiling water, now take your tin of nikwax and put it in, wait for it to melt and put it on with a dry, clean cloth. make sure you put alot on the stitching because this is where most of the water will get into your boots.

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