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Trials Writer Goes Real Big-time

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Clive, you are getting tougher! I simply can't seem to get a rise out of you anymore. It will be fun to watch Smage and Webb shoot it out. Like they say in the old Hollywood westersn, there is not room enough in this town for the two of us. Which will be bumped off the team?

Say, you should be really mad at the NATC, their foremat steals your thunder, Clive! You have been top sportsmen on some nationals. Their combining the Pros and sportsmen at the same event keeps you from getting the credit and press you deserve.

If you won the Lorretta Lynn Amatuer National MX title, you would get huge press in the medea. Likewise if the Sportsmen trials nationals where at a differnt place and time than the Pro Class nationals, you would recieved a lot more press coverage. As it is now, the Pro class steals your thunder Clive.

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Lane you are working really hard to get a rise out of me. So now it is my turn.I feel like you are taking the EASY way out, saying you have no desire to ride the Nationals. You signed up for a class you did not belong in last year. And now that it is time to ride the class you do belong in you CHICKEN out with an excuse. Are you scared you may be the one getting SPANKED? Would it kill your EGO if the 3 time National Champion did not win the Senior 50 class?

All your talk of younger riders and you could have your son riding cleaning up the High School Class. You mention you have A Trials Team that you have been working with but you dont ride. Kind of hard to teach your team when you have not ridden in months. Do you teach your Team over the internet? or just send them one of your books? When asked who is on your team you wont reply. You dont want to throw all of your cards on the table.

I personally was wanting you to ride to show us all how it is done. There is still a couple of months to practice. A guy like should be able to pull it off.

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Clive, I would have been in the 55 year old class this year! Would have had a good shot of winning it also but I could care less now. The NATC destroyed my interest in the US nationals.

Well indeed the team has suffered with my loss of interest in the US nationals and riding but that is the NATC's fault not mine! I would have finished 7TH in the US Championship PRO class for 2005 if it hae not been for them. I even lost my airfare, which cost me a bundle of money as well as the frustration and loss of interest in the sport.

I could have gone the lawyer route but why bother, they had that silly rule that you have to contest all the rounds to score championship points. Hey, if Bernie would have rode under that dumb rule he would not have won most of his US Championships. In fact he would not have even ridden in the US at all except the US world round.

Unless the rule is taken back to the way it was in Bernie's day, every round counting, future US world round contenders will either have to ride only in Europe or only in the USA. The same dumb choice that Cody Webb, Chris Florin and the other US riders have to make this year for the US world round.

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Lane - If you have lost all of your interest in the sport, why do you spend so much time on this forum postulating about how things should be or could be?  It would seem that you certainly have more important things to do.    :)

Yes, it would seem.

If you were insitutionalized and had access to a computer 24/7 what would you do?

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It's not quite "Where's Waldo?", but now that I started this, we might as well keep track of..... Where's Shan?

Life isn't always a bed of roses for the motorcycle writer. Sometimes you are on the top, sometimes you fall down. Last weekend Shan dropped down a notch to cover the AMA Arena-Cross series at the Lazy E Arena in Guthrie, Oklahoma. Not to be mistaken from the BooKoo Arena-cross Series, the AMA Arena-Cross series is led by Wisconsin's very own "Rad" Chad Johnson.

So, where will the 2005 AMA Journalist of the Year be next week? Only Octogan knows.

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Hey Bag,

You've got to get that Broke Back Mountain movie out of your head. I may pretend to be gay occasionaly but I have to draw the line when pure homosexuals, like yourself, start hitting on me. Dude, it aint eva gonna happen so git over it ya pixie dust spreading raw hide. :P

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