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Old Fantic 303-125 Or 301?


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have been lurking for a while

but now I need your help

1st I have no clue about riding trials

I am one of those too chicken to mx and not enough sense of balance to trial :(

I do not even know why, but I got a TX270 a few weeks back and try to make friends with her

now I looked for a cheap project bike

so I'd have a 2nd bike to drag someone along

last weekend proved a CRF and a TX do not like the same terrain and speed

long story short:

I stumbled across 2 Fantics within 4 hours radius

both have been stored for years, both are complete (sort of, redneck complete), both need some tlc and both are in the same price range

and I did not find much info on either one

can you please give me some pros and cons

on the Fantic 303-125 '87

and the Fantic 301 '87

thank you much


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Both were very capable bikes in their day...maybe long in the tooth now. Spares in the UK ansd Yurup are ok, in the states it may be a problem! People have been know to send a motor from NY to germans to have a kickstart shaft replaced, see below.

. The 301 had lots of power but the kickstart shafts may (will??) break which means engine out and split tzhe cases. the 125 -303 does not suffer from this problem. The 125 can be upgraded fairly easy to a

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If the 303 is a 250, then go for that rather than the 301. 2 discs instaed of only 1, better shock, much better marzochhi M1 forks etc. still a handful for a beginner....a bit like an oil tanker when compared to GG ;-) What is the selling price in the states?


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