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Front fork compress


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Dear friends,  i have evo 250 2018   i think my front fork ain't compressed enough when i am standing on the bike. 

I am 70 kg and after few megerment that i made it seems that the fork compressed down about 4 cm. 

I saw some videos that said it should be 6-8 cm. 

I try to change the clicks on the fork and it didnt make any difference. 

Need your help to understand what is wrong... Thanks

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Ignore the videos. Your weight is fine for the stock springs. There are two adjustments at the top of the fork. The large allen head bolt is spring preload. The slotted screw is rebound damping. Always start any adjustment of damping with the adjuster all the way to the right. Turn it until it stops clicking and back it out  ten clicks. Adjust the fork preload so when you bounce on the bike the fork and shock compress the same. 

Then go ride some sections and tell us what problems you are having. Front end won’t track on bumpy turns, can’t get enough lift from the rear on hits...

There is no one size fits all answer and the setting of sag is a ridiculous over simplification.  

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There's lots of knowledge on here. Granted it's a bit of a slog to get through. It's pretty typical for newbies to worry about how their suspension is set up though the usual thing that happens is they mess with it until it really does need adjustment. One thing that will make the forks not travel properly is if there is too much oil in the fork legs. It's not uncommon for rookie mechanics to overfill Betas. The end result is the fork travel is short and ends like hitting a rock. Tough on the wrists. So if your forks are a bit stiff then you can probably tweak the preload. If they just suddenly stop halfway through the travel they may be overfilled. The way Beta specs oil level in their forks is frustrating. With the spring out and the fork compressed the oil should be some distance from the top of the leg. The other thing that I found weird on my 2018 is the oil is spec'd at 7wt which is pretty thick. I changed it to 5wt and am happy with it. Also the forks are now made by Sachs and are a bear to get back together if you pull them apart. My recommendation for draining the oil is take off the front wheel, take off the brake caliper, loosen the top triple clamp pinch bolts so you can loosen the top caps and then loosen the bottom triple clamp pinch bolts to drop the fork tubes. Then just turn them upside-down to drain them. You'll have to pump the cartridge damper side to get most of the oil out. Stick them back in the triple clamps and refill to Betas spec. The fill levels should be in your manual and if you need to see a manual on-line look here, https://www.betausa.com/content/support

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