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Beta Evo 250 Boyeson Carbon Tech reeds carb tuning


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Hi all,

Just wondering if anyone else here has installed the Carbon Tech reeds to their Evo 250? I've installed a set but haven't had chance to test yet other than with the bike stationary. In the paperwork supplied with the new reeds it suggests that jetting/tuning may need to be altered. My bike is all standard in terms of idle jet/main jet/needle/needle position. I've spent loads of time in the past messing about with carb settings on various 2 stroke bikes and it's always a tedious and often frustrating process! If anyone has any experience of these reeds and can recommend settings it would be fantastic and a big time and hassle saver! It may be that the air screw just needs adjuting slightly or it may need a leaner or richer pilot jet or different needle position etc. etc.!

Thanks in advance

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Fitted them to our last three EVO 300s, the performance seemed sharper, the bikes ran well and we did not have to change the jetting from standard.  A little air-screw adjustment  may be required as normal as hotter weather (maybe not the UK this year!) reduces the air density and makes it run richer.  

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With the VForce reeds when I first started using them I’d pull the carb and “fine tune” the jetting only to end up exactly where I started out. Now I just bolt them in and go riding. Aside from a better primary case charge at low rpm there’s really not anything about carbon reeds that should affect the jetting. If your jetting is correct to start with it’s all good.

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