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Throttle stuck and now not firing up!


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Evening gents, all was looking good. Started fine and just took it for a little spin around the garden and seemed fine. I thought I would just let it tick over for a couple of minutes whilst I sorted a few things out in the outhouse.

Anyway, after around 5 minutes of it ticking over, the bike had a sudden surge and the revs maxed again, came back down and then up again before cutting out as I couldn’t get there in time to pull the kill switch.

It now has a funny knocking noise when ticking over, and when kick starting, every 5 or 6 kicks or so feels like it’s getting stuck/jammed/air jam, and doesn’t fully kick down with a little puff of smoke out of the exhaust!

Ive recently changed the exhaust gasket, so had all the exhaust off and wondered if the exhaust was full of old crud and now partially blocked after moving it around and the gasses going back in to the engine when trying to start up? It’s very smokey when it does start too.

I will get a video later but any thoughts? 

Thanks in advance. 


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Yes - it was a fuel issue!

As in, it ran out!! 

I’ve ridden it quite a bit today and Its running fine now.

I was just worried I had broken something. 

I would love to get into trials riding. I’m based near Alysham in north Norfolk, could someone help and point me in the right direction? Shall I register the bike for the road too?

thank you in advance, all very knowledgable and extremely helpful.

This is my first bike so without this forum then I would of been a none starter. 



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