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23 minutes ago, splatered stu said:

like everything the rules and laws are just a weapon for the weak to beat others with,...anytime you have a group of humans competing this kind of crap happens.this is why I'd never ride any club event ever,.it brings out what is bad in people and highlights the selfishness and ignorance that lives within them..one by one these are great people to ride and hang with...in a group they become insufferable due to the bickering and self importance.trials is so scattered as a sport...seems it can't ever seem to make up its mind or unite its members.

Not my experience over many years, the odd tw#t  of course, but generally a really good bunch of people. Competition generally improves your standard or riding.

Edited by b40rt
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This morning, I'm going to our local club for the next to last event. Great bunch of guys, nice sections, and I'll mark 5 on each section before I begin the competition because I've seen too many 5 marked as 2 or 3. That way I can enjoy it all and anybody can mark themselves all 0.

I will simply enjoy the ride.


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On 10/20/2019 at 11:56 AM, guy53 said:

This morning, I'm going to our local club for the next to last event. Great bunch of guys, nice sections, and I'll mark 5 on each section before I begin the competition because I've seen too many 5 marked as 2 or 3. That way I can enjoy it all and anybody can mark themselves all 0.

I will simply enjoy the ride.


I'm confused??? why would you mark a 5 on each section before you ride them? Trials, much like golf rely s on a certain amount of honesty from the competitor. 

I ride trials for the challenge of man and machine over terrain. Personally I like to have a sense of achievement when conquering a section and a humility when I fail. If a person claims a better score than they actually achieved then they are only really cheating themselves, and will most likely get found out eventually anyhow. I would like to believe most folk would rather be proud of real achievement over falsely winning a tin pot for the mantle piece.

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25 minutes ago, Intotrials said:

I'm confused??? why would you mark a 5 on each section before you ride them? Trials, much like golf rely s on a certain amount of honesty from the competitor. 

I ride trials for the challenge of man and machine over terrain. Personally I like to have a sense of achievement when conquering a section and a humility when I fail. If a person claims a better score than they actually achieved then they are only really cheating themselves, and will most likely get found out eventually anyhow. I would like to believe most folk would rather be proud of real achievement over falsely winning a tin pot for the mantle piece.

Agreed, it also quickly becomes obvious when people do "well" in self observed trials, but nowhere near as good when an independent observer is marking.

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On 10/19/2019 at 9:55 AM, walkertrials said:

Senior riders seem to like a rest in latter stages?

 You obviously don`t get it. All he is saying is the human kickstand is not in anyway riding in control of your motorcycle. This is why it is so hard to explain the rules to new people. All this is Foreign to the `new` riders in the last two decades. How dare we suggest that you lousy riders get a five in every section, cuz you are not riding. Otherwise your feet would still be on the pegs!

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On 10/21/2019 at 1:07 PM, Intotrials said:

I'm confused??? why would you mark a 5 on each section before you ride them? Trials, much like golf rely s on a certain amount of honesty from the competitor. 

I ride trials for the challenge of man and machine over terrain. Personally I like to have a sense of achievement when conquering a section and a humility when I fail. If a person claims a better score than they actually achieved then they are only really cheating themselves, and will most likely get found out eventually anyhow. I would like to believe most folk would rather be proud of real achievement over falsely winning a tin pot for the mantle piece.

I agree. On trials that are self observed or even ones where more than a couple sections are, I just accept that the trial is basically a structured practice and enjoy myself. As a principle I will never cheat at a self observed trial but it is so blatantly obvious that a lot of people are cheating, so I just ignore the results. I take the opportunity to repeat sections, or try a harder route, when there is no-one waiting etc. and make the most of the fact that people have taken the time to set out some sections for me. 


As to splattered stu, I think it's sad that you have that view. Either you're very unlucky with the people that ride where you are, or you're taking things far to personally. 

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