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Flywheel Play


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Hi Folks,

I've got an 03 rev3 200, and aftre reading Neonsurge's post I started to get a little concerned about play in my flywheel.

This may just be me being over worried, but it may not. If i rock my flywheel backwards and forwards with my hand you can feel a small amount of play, and there is a slight tapping, at first a mate told me it was normal and just play in the gearbox, but then I thought it might be the piston rings, and then I suddenly thought it could be play in my big end, there isn' any play in the main bearings and i think it is running as it should.

Is this normal or anything to worry about???



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Hi bob, my dads bike does the same (05 200) we phoned up jli to see if this was a problem and they said that it was because the top end on the 200's is brass so it is a little louder for some reason and it also has a little more play in it. I hope this settles your mind


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Yeah, guys don't get over exited about a little feel. A mainbearing that goes, will leave a lot of shaking before it really goes.

It starts to rumble and shake and you really will feel the difference.

A big-end that is going is more difficult to trace however, so check that one regular, like once a year.

And when in doubt because you drowned the bike etc and you cld not fix it right away, better shop for a new one, incl mains.

The rust will eat it away rapidly.

So when yr motor is running normally without more shaking than ussual, ride it.

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