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Anyone over 200cm/6’ 7” tall? Bike set up question.


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 The humane body is proportianate, nothing should really matter. You do not see short people raising the pegs and lowering the bars. You actually have quite the gift, grasshopper like jumping ability. Forever long dabs. My little boy is 6` 5. he fits a stock bike nicely.

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4 hours ago, lineaway said:

 The humane body is proportianate, nothing should really matter. You do not see short people raising the pegs and lowering the bars. You actually have quite the gift, grasshopper like jumping ability. Forever long dabs. My little boy is 6` 5. he fits a stock bike nicely.

So riding a ty80 (as I know you do) feels exactly the same as an adult sized bike ?

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30 minutes ago, fastbelly said:

You can install 6" rise bars. Bars too low at your height will be very uncomfortable. Maybe move pegs back a little to give you a stable triangle riding pos. Also try rolling bars forward a tad. 

As an old Boomer I’ve been on dirt bikes since the 70s.


As an old Boomer I’ve been on dirt bikes since the 70s.


I found that the Rox speed risers give me adjustable height and also will rotate them forward giving me more room in the “cockpit” so to speak.


That forward rotation does change the handling a bit.


Back in the day I really wanted a Sherpa T then I discovered motocross.....

Thinking it might be time me for me to work on my balance a bit though.

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I'm only 6'4" (193 cm) and i have to run higher bars on my Beta's, used to put 3/4 inch shims underneath the bars but that was a pain when going from different manufacturers every other year.  If i run stock bars my lower back and neck bother me to much after half an hour of riding, but i'm old (60).

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I would definitely recommend bigger handler add, I used to have 6inch rise handlebars but found the riding position was a bit more unnatural so now use 5.5 which are still quite a bit higher than the normal. 

I would also look at a triple clamp that you can adjust the position of the handlebars, moving them forward will give you more room. Other than that I’d definitely look at stiffer suspension springs front and back, if you’re tall you’re likely heavy and stiffing the suspension will make the bike ride better. 

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What bike do you have?  Older ones have different ergonomics from modern ones, and different spring options too.

If you're going for a large rise in handlebar height and are not a beanpole you might need to add a (padded) handlebar brace, too.  While I'm shorter I can sympathise since being 5'10 on a stock 175 was incredibly uncomfortable for me ... all I can really say is that a bit of experimentation may be in order to work out what's right for you, and footpeg relocation is worth thinking about - good luck!

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  • 5 years later...
On 12/14/2019 at 4:28 PM, carlos said:

I'm only 6'4" (193 cm) and i have to run higher bars on my Beta's, used to put 3/4 inch shims underneath the bars but that was a pain when going from different manufacturers every other year.  If i run stock bars my lower back and neck bother me to much after half an hour of riding, but i'm old (60).

yea me too.. im 6'5" im 66. just ordered 6 inch bars for my 4rt...do ye find it better

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 You are asking someone from 5 years ago? You will be fine, bend your knee`s a lot. Trials is about body english, Use your body a lot to make the bike move. It will take a lot of practice at your age, but it is worth the fun involved. Good luck. I am the same age, but I was an expert at 14!

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