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Carb bogging out


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Just cleaned the carb as to my previous thread, there’s a 5mm hose connects from one side of the carb to the other? It was split and had an hole in it. I’ve replaced cleaned and put back togeather. Now when I start on choke? Everything fine but when I take it off and rev, it’s bogging like mad. All I’ve done is clean with brake cleaner and done the jets with a small thread off a wire brush. It never did this before so have I done anything wrong or is there anything to check? The mixture screws are set and have not been touched. 

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Some people remove the the vent pipes off each side and replace with a pipe connecting them but with a notch cut out to allow breathing. If you have replaced this pipe without notching it then that is probably the issue. 


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My lad had a new beta 80, used to start from cold and after few mins the revs would just build and had to pull lanyard off. Eventually found the breather pipes had been cable tied together in factory so tight they couldn’t breath. Easy to overlook 

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Makes sense now? 

Ill cut a notch in the pipe 

I’ve left it now and I’ll try again in an hour or so just to make sure it does start ok... I sussed the full rev mark and also had to pull the kill switch? Must of stretched the throttle cable putting the needle back in. ? done that one before 

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I’ve just got back with the dog from my 1 exercise a day. 

Mice cut the tube in half and tucked them out the wAy. Started 2nd kick with choke and the run ok. I’ll try again tomorrow letting it tick over but fingers crossed we’re good to go... 

thanks for all you’re advice and help

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  • 2 weeks later...

What year carb is it, i had a 1999 txt ,carb refuse to work unless the venting breather on back of the carb was attached to the outside one, weard as you would have thought it was meant to breath, so basically running a small bit of tube from one side of the carb to the other, never seen this before on any of my other bikes, but it ran perfectly when the pipe was in place.. 

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