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Mont needs a doctor


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Stood my mower up in the shed to save space - some oil must of ran into the exhaust.

took me half the lawn before I could see the neighbours again due to plumes of blue smoke - revenge for their barbecues anyway.

if this can happen to a small 4 stroke engine then imagine too much 2t oil

maybe clean exhaust front pipe out, fresh petrol - a good 2t oil - think I used to use the Castro’s fully synthetic stuff from Halfords etc and give it a good run - so long as nothing is knocking.

maybe clean carb out to make sure mixture is good - the early ones where prone to getting much in - think they work differently on pilot jet - air bled not fuel or vice a versa 

best of luck




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Remove the exhaust and see if it drains out unburnt oil. If the exhaust is partially holding oil this could be your problem. Really a photo of more of the cylinder bore would be good. Did you have the engine running when you saw the bike to buy?

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No I only started the bike when I got it home.Im just going to do all seals and bearings in engine.It started off just doing piston but couldn’t see which I needed but now it’s looking like full rebuild.Ive now think it’s a 97.With a c size piston and.Can anyone please let me know we’re I can get parts I need.And is this a size “C” piston?....


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I’m just starting to rebuild the engine tomorrow got all the parts o need from Splatshop.He is a good guy there!?Anyone got any tips or any thing I should know before I start tomorrow.Aslo for some reason my clutch give up just before I dicided to rebuild her.Ive tried bleeding the clutch and Still nowt?


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