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Free Acu Licence's For Club Organisers


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The only place I see a little unfairness or awkwardness is a non-rider having to have a licence/affiliation.

Make the affiliation free for non-riders. Why should they have to pay to come and organise/marshal an event?

As soon as someone wants to ride just one event, then they get their money's worth from the annual affiliation of just

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Where do you draw the line ? before you know it anyone with an interest in the club would be getting a free licence. lots of folks with lots of different pastimes do it for the love of it......if your going to do it but then moan about it maybe you shouldn't be doing it in the first place. :P

Its just there seems to me there is an imbalance in the finances and I have proposed a way in which to address that.

By all means suggest another if you dont feel its appropriate?

Spoken like a true business man there Ian :madsanta:

I suggest it's fine the way it is.... ;)

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Nope - because the tenner is for 'rider affiliation' (I believe).

It becomes a little more clear now with Johns post. When we did the sound recorder course a few weeks ago, an acu card turned up, looked like the real thing, but was not for rider affiliation, was just an officials card (denoted on the rear of the card).

I recently sent off my tenner and got the same licence back, but with trials rider added to the list of officials posts.

That seems fair enough. I'll check what our officials have paid for.

I think that my confusion over officials paying for licence was maybe from last year (or year before) as John mentioned when they had to pay.

Does a secretary need an affiliate membership? I know a CofC or steward may get a card through as a result of their course, but a secretary? Just wondering.

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No - Secretary does not have to register - It is only those who require a

" Licence " ( or Trials Registration) that need to be on the system/list.

Clerk of Course, Stewards, Technical - all are licenced- so get an Officials licence free.

Secretaries, Observers, Marshalls do not have to have a licence - so do not have to register/pay.

HOWEVER - There are quite a few who do wish to pay the

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while John Collins has cleared this up in response to Atom Ant's suggestion that i think of something, all i suggest is that it is up to each club to decide in light of the current status (as outlined by John Collins above) what system they want to introduce.

rabie <_<

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