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Electrical Wiring - In General

dr nosh

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Now reaching the final stages of a loooong restoration of a 248.


I want to make up a simple wiring loom in order to get a 'no lights' MOT.


So this question is not specifically about the 248, but a wiring question in general.


So I have:

Black going to coil,

Green going to horn via a button on the L/H handlebar.

Red going to condenser (now mounted up and under the tank).


This is the question:

I have a button on the R/H handlebar that I want to wire as a kill button.


I just cannot get my head around how and what to wire this into? (I know I need to divert the power to the points to earth, but how)


Any help gratefully received.


Probably quite simple when I see it. Just seem to have a 'mental' blockage at the moment.


Edited by dr nosh
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Tap it into the low tension (black) lead going to the coil.  Th button earths to frame killing the power going to the coil.  I don’t think your red lead should go to condensor as the condenser also is part of the coil circuit ie:black wire.  Red lead is/was probably lighting circuit

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