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Crank case flush


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Hi Guys.  I’m getting to the end here I repaired my clutch basket got my kicker back in thank you for all the advice and help !

I notice a bunch of metal shavings from the end of that bolt that I used to lock the Crank
  and I want to flush the crank case 
cab or should I just pour in some diesel or parts cleaner , lift up the backend and it’ll flow out of that bolt hole on the front of the case , is that  OK ?
I’d rather not split the cases but I don’t want any metal getting in those bearings
 I assume there’s no liquid in the crankcase Other than fuel and two-stroke oil that comes in through the carburetter the only fluids I’m putting in the bike are in the gear case as far as I know.
let me know if you have any thoughts on my questions if not I’ll proceed with the flush as best I can thanks as always
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