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Florida Fun In The Sun 2-day


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We are preparing for the 25th (or so) F-I-S 2-Day which will be held at Hard Rock cycle park in Ocala on March 4th and 5th. There will be 10 sections ridden 3 times each day with the emphasis on FUN! We had a club event on the 8th and my clubmembers cleared 5 new areas, so the variety will be from rocky sections to good camber hills. We are making sure the sections are of similar difficulty or a little easier than the class norm with the exception in the champ lines. They will be Natl Ex to Pro lines for a tune-up for the season. The entry fee is $20/ day and a $20 gate fee for the weekend, AMA required. They have camping hookups for $20 with Hotels and restaurants in abundance nearby.

For info on the area go to [www.hardrockmx.com] for track info and directions and the easiest way to get hotel info is to go into mapquest.com, type in Ocala Fl. and reference the hotel information.

We hope to see you there and as a sidenote this is the starting weekend of Bike Week so if you have some extra vacation it will be well spent! <_<

For additional info contact [cota66@cfl.rr.com]

Edited by trialsurfer
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Florida is a great vacation, we did it last year! Disney World and the Orlando scene. Fantastic!

If you go, make sure you check out Lights, motors and action stunt show at Disney studios. They are using GAS GAS motorcycles and some trials bikes.

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