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1976 Cota decals & carb


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Just got a 1976 Cota and I need some decals for the tank cover. The Amal on it looks shot so I guess the way forward is Mikuni or similar ? Advice please. I am sure I will need other odds n sods cables etc. Where is my best option in the UK please ? I am based in Leicestershire.

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These guys have most of what you need for a Montesa Cota 247 . In motion trials https://www.inmotiontrials.com/product-category/parts/twinshock/montesa/

They have the 56mm tank badges. The decals you can get from ebay but for the made in spain label and the premix ratio sticker it is £11 delivered from a Spanish guy. https://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/m.html?_odkw=&_ssn=hielorojo&_osacat=0&_from=R40&_trksid=p2046732.m570.l1311&_nkw=montesa&_sacat=0

You can refurbish your Amal with parts from http://amalcarb.co.uk/?SID=2o5n1al9la4am5vg1s7lnukvl3&___store=amal

Burlen carbs. You can purchase a brand new Amal  26mm premium carb which is a Mk 1 with the stay up float,viton float needle and solid brass carb slide. If you want to refurbish your Mk 1 Amal they have all the bits. In motion do the 26mm Mikuni and conversion parts if you don,t need originality. If your carb has a tickler button on the side it is a Mk1 if it has a choke it is a Mk 1.5. Hope you find what you need.

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