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Ignition woes


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Hi all,

I cannot squeeze any spark out of my newly purchased Mod 199 350

Coil, condenser and points are new and set correctly 

At first I suspected a short to ground but after two days if thinking and tinkering it seems my flywheel isn’t sufficiently magnetic any more.

Even when turning the crank with the electric drill I only get 3 V AC out of the magneto 


Any ideas what else could be wrong and how to overcome or test that further?



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Raoul -

More info. needed :-

Which coil have you replaced ?  H.T. or L.T. ?

Where and how are you measuring 3V ?

What setting do you have at c/b. points, ?

"Newly purchased mod 199" - did it have a spark when you bought it ?

Why have you replaced ignition parts ?

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Right, this wasn’t very detailed:

I bought it with no spark and as I am usuya very good mechanic I was convinced it would quickly return to operation...

replaced the HT coil

points are set to 3mm before top dead center

0.40 mm gap

I am measuring at the cable terminal below the steering head 

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A photo of your magneto would help, as well as your wiring details . These are very basic ignitions and are reasonably reliable with the only parts that generally need replacing are the points and condenser. I would be interested to know why you replaced the HT coil?  It is also important to clean brand new points when installing them as the slightest amount of grease/dirt and they will not work , also check/disconnect your kill switch and make sure your earth is a secure connection, I generally put the earth onto the bolt that holds the coil on so its on bare metal and not a painted surface.

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I totally agree, that’s what puzzles me. As I had bought it spark-less I cannot be sure if everything is put together correctly. But at least to my recently acquired knowledge it seems so.

I replaced the coil as the ht lead was totally knackered (and I wanted a quick solution...)

Points received a cleaning before I put them in

Killswitch was disconnected (that’s the “flying” lead on the pic of the coil

The new red cable is the elongated black wire from the magneto

I planned to extract the lighting hence the absence of some of these cables!






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it says electronic on coil, and would have the wrong value windings for a pointed system!! suggest you check with supplier as c.d.i. type is not usable..Also best check for output coil is an OHM reading [done static] and should be around 400 ohms, but check this on the bultaco forums, i'm sure someone on the bulto side will help you along..                 ;]also where do the white and orange wires come from, and go to as picture does not clarify..get rid of any wiring not required by ignition, and draw diagram of you're wiring so we can check. Also like the chap says above make sure coil is earthed, as it looks like frame has been painted..is'nt it frustrating when you can't see a spark ? a true test of a mechanic, and when you've sorted it you can join the elite:]


Edited by trialman
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