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Completely new to beta... Got some silly questions


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Hi everyone,nice forum

So I am completely new to trails bikes... The beta techno in particular. The one I bought is not running at the moment.

I have restored a bunch of old bikes(CBX.cb750 etc) but never a 2 stroke. I used to have a couple of 2 stroke motocross bikes so am hoping I can find my way with this one.


The bike has been standing for about a year.

So some probably silly questions...(and I am searching the forum for answers)

Clutch fluid... Is this normal brake fluid?Brakes also normal brake fluid?

I bled the front with brake fluid and it's pretty good... I am having trouble with the clutch ... A bike shop said nope..the clutch takes a special oil?The owners Manuel called the fluid oil? Not sure if I have made a mistake.

The bike does not have a ignition coil... I can source from other bikes( Japanese singles)... But what would I be looking for in?Is it possible to use another coil?

I'm in South Africa and this is the first time I have come across a beta... So I suspect genuine spares will be tricky

Most of the bits on the bike are there afaik but I want to get her at least running before restoring.

Tires are shot(cracked). Chain and sprockets seem good. Compression via Kickstarter seems good...anything else I should look out for?


Thanks in advance









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Check the obvious first. Look for dodgy wiring, take flywheel cover off and make sure that it has remained dry. Flywheel off and clean up check on woodruff key. Try for spark direct, take plug cap off and hold near to barrel.

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The clutch master cylinder takes just dot 4 brake fluid or similiar. Chances are the stator is bad as the techno was known for that. So you need to find out how to proceed and do you want to spend the money. Search this forum for stator issues and info.

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Thank guys.. been looking at the forum and became aware of the stator issues... Let's hope not. First thing I need to do I find a coil hook it up an see if I'm getting spark... There's a good chance they removed the coil(and subsequently) lost it... Thinking the coil was at fault but was the statori know of some local guys that can rewire the stator so might go that route...but let's hope it's just the coil.


Thanks on the dot4... It's what I was using... Just got worried when they started talking about clutch oil.

 I will tuck into it this weekend and post time pics as and when problems come up









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