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Motorama Who's Going?


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Hey Jim,

Sorry I missed it then. Thanks for freshening the air with your 4-banger. Likewise Cornie must have refrained from igniting fireworks off his head this time. :blink:

I see that Cookie didn't make it this year. Too bad. I enjoyed watching him win the expert class last time I was there. Hope Mike is ready to go this year.

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  • 3 weeks later...

A lot of people felt that it was the model cars that made the air pollution so unbearable. Last year (spring of 2005) was my first year, and I thought it was bad. I kept trying to leave the arena to occassionally get some decent air, and still got a nasty headache. This year was surprisingly good. The improvement in the air quality might be because they moved the radio controlled cars elsewhere. This also turned over more room to the trials riders. But judging from this year, I'd say that the fumes are no longer bad enough to keep you away. So, hope to see you next year Steve. Maybe I'll even bring your old Cota!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Brian! I also thought most of the smog was from the radio controlled cars. Glad to hear they're moved. :( Also the air on the floor isn't as bad as in the stands. Guess I'll have to ride it next year. Keep that Cota in one piece!

Cheers to a new riding season upon us :thumbup:

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