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Punch Cards Or Observers Boards


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Both have their good points and bad points, but it has to come down to which is most convenient for the observer.

Do they have to run up and down the section to punch a score and be able to see the whole section.

The score card is the responsibility of the rider, a punch cost a few bob and it is possible to cheat.

A score sheet is the responsibility of the observer and what they write down, is what they see.

A dirty number or error can lead to a false score on a score sheet.

We have a problem getting observers in the US, so most trials are scored by the riders riding in group's scoring each other, or splitting the day in to two events and the riders taking turns at scoring.

Group scoring is the most unfair and inconsistent way of scoring often leading to false results, but if you are only doing it for fun and understand that the results are probably false then no problem.

I would think the easiest and fairest way to get close to a true result is the observer with the score sheet.

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board all the time

at out two big trials (two laps of around 20 section), we go round pick up the card and enter it into the computer but at others we write 3 or 4 laps on the same card (we make the cards)

our land is really unsuitable for punches

we could do with waterproof card although we normally use a variety of see through plastic bags

rabie :hyper:

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punch cards are ideal for 40-50 mile trials where the riding is stretched out/as in a trial with 4laps 10 sections the observer would struggle.half the time observers are gassing on and put out down.not knocking observers take me hat off to them. B)

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Boards are better and you don't need an additional puncher at the end of the section, also less chance of riders complaining about their score, what they don't see can't hurt them. Saying that sometimes you can miss a gate for two or three laps especially if you hurrying and collect a five until the observer reminds you or you watch someone else ride.

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Punch cards do make it easier to have a result within 30 mins of the last man home.

Also; Half way scores can be displayed (at the punch card change) but this is all more work and really to man 40 sections you need 80 observers.

Ok for our big National but not possible the rest of the year.

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  • 2 weeks later...

There are pro's and con's for both.

I personally prefer punch cards. The main reason is that on some trials, where it isn't mandetory to do all sections in order, you know what you have and haven't done. Also, you know how many you have dropped, it doesn't matter if they get wet, and scores can be worked out whilst the riders are on their final laps (if 2 sets of punch cards are used). Cheating can be done though (if you feel that way inclined) pretty easily, though many clubs use certain shaped clippers for certain section numbers, therefore, this can make cheating obvious.

The boards are good, as it's slightly quicker and the observer doesn't have to move to punch the rider. If they are waterproof it's not a problem, though many aren't. Also, if the observer isn't very observant, he/she can miss your number and sometimes you cannot hear them shout you for it.

I think most clubs go with the boards though, well, they do here in the southwest anyway.

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