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Worst thing that happened to Trials?


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10 hours ago, stpauls said:

British Trials is completely different from the Spanish circus act.  Due to totally different conditions.  We should have a separate sport, with different rules and with a separate name. No Stop. 

Sorry, you'll have to elaborate because one could infer anything from introducing lightweight 2-stroke bikes through to some sort of axe to grind over indoor trials (that are held all over the world) from "the Spanish circus act"?

My local trials are the cat's whiskers, it's just a shame they're only on once a year 😕

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2 hours ago, rlk_76 said:

I would think the worst thing would be $8,000-$10,000+ bikes nowadays.  

yea and gasoline that has doubled in price, plus a shopping cart full of real food thats 200 bucks +   --    even finding real food is getting harder each time i shop @ 5am to avoid people .  there is my rant & whine-- lol.

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11 minutes ago, magnapoxy said:

yea and gasoline that has doubled in price, plus a shopping cart full of real food thats 200 bucks +   --    even finding real food is getting harder each time i shop @ 5am to avoid people .  there is my rant & whine-- lol.

We don't have real food here in the states. It's all junk 😁.    And our gas has doubled here in Indiana as well.  I'm just glad our corn is going to good use (ethanol).  

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If u know how loose bearings come on a hot engine u also understand why water-cooled is better. And that's beside all other advantages.


Doing trials and complain about gas prices ? 😅 


I am new in trials, but 1 thing I like about old style is long days in the forest and no concrete things. Hope to join a long distance trial some day. For me it's mostly about being challenged. So an easyer trial on an old bike wil be fine.

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