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nitjay - hrc

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I would just like to warn people, that using this i have been contacted by numerous people claiming to be from abroad, trying to get me into a weird "deal" (i presume) using shipping cheques, etc.

i will put down here an example

Thanks for your swift response toward the inquiry.About the present working condition of the item as stated by you,I am really pleased with it,but i belived you are telling me the real fact,because i cannot come over to your location now due to the nature of my work.Well, the asking price is okay by me for

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You can delete this thread if you feel it is inappropriate, but i would like to know about how all this works.

No probs.

It works by these lowlife scumbags having "bots". These bots are little programs that trawl the Net looking for installations of the particular package that is behind the Classifieds. When they find one, emails are automatically generated and sent to the sellers in the hope they'll get a bite.

Unfortunately there's nothing I can do to stop it and is why there is a clear warning in red when posting an advert explaining that fraudsters target the system.

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This is 100% certain to be a scam. I've had a similar experience. The "buyer" sends a cheque for over the asking price of the bike. When paid into the bank this shows briefly as a credit before it bounces (it's probably from a stolen account). At this stage you are expected to send the item, in this case your bike, encourgaed by aggressive phone calls from the buyer if you've given out your telephone number, and you end up with no money and no bike! I smelt a rat before going through with it but others have been caught out.

This has happened quite a lot on ebay but I think they've managed to tighten up on it now.

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My mate got a load of them when he was selling his car, we actually got one of them to send the cheque and then phoned the company who it had been stolen from, they were totally unaware their cheque book had been stolen.

Its called the Nigerian 419 Scam



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An important topic, and maybe more so since trials stuff is so often deal over long distance sight unseen. I haven't been burned, but have heard many stories. Basically, if it seems to good to be true, it is. I had an offer of $2500 to ship an old TY350 parts bike to africa somewhere. The responses I get to my industrial hydraulics surplus stuff is incredible.

a more common variation, and I think discussed here you can search the archives, is to get a check much larger than the object, with instructions to send the difference somewhere. Doesn't matter what you are selling, they don't want it anyway and you aren't out the object. They want cash transferrs.

Ex: I advertise the car for $1000. Scammer says he has a certified check from a customer in the states who owes him say 6000. He has settled for 4000 from that client because he wants to get something rather than nothing. He is also in the market for a (fill in the blank, just happens to be exactly what you have to sell.) He will send you the check for 4000. You are to deduct 1000 for the car, we think shipping is 700, but you hold 1000 for shipping. You seem so honest I trust you. Then, send the 2000 to this other account or company. When you finally ship the car, send back the excess 200 to 300 left from shipping money.

You will get a certified bank check, drawn on us funds, not stolen accounts either. Usually non existant accounts in an actual bank.

I knew that when a personal check is depositied, it is subject to clearing on the other bank first. I didn't realize that bank certified checks have no time limit to when they can be bounced back. Say you send the money in a week, it bounces 2-4 wks. Now you are out the 2000 you sent on.

Time is of the essence. They push for quick action for a variety of reasons.

Does anyone have the address of the ANUS laptop computer deals, sold to 'Cole'? I have a shortened viersion, the whole story is incredible. I question whether the whole thing is a scam in itself, on us! Anyway, its a long diary of scamming the scammers over a couple years. the 'we will come and dead you with the governor' story???


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Perhaps not, i read one about someone sending a fake apple across seas and making the person who recieved it have to pay for it, they found his address and where he was and caught sight of him and everything, i cant remember where it was i saw it though, somewhere on the internet.

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