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Hello From The Usa


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B) Just want to say Hi and say that you got a very nice site here. Lots of good information and very helpful people. Well a little about my self, I have been riding dirt bikes all of my life, this started when two of my friends got these trials bike and took me along, well as you can see here I am. One thing for sure I do like it. I am looking forward to this new style of riding. Edited by jaysktms
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Well here in the states, there just seems that there is not much information about the sport. There is just spots of help here and thier. Now that my friends got me into this, I am liking it alot. This site was given to me by one of the friend that got me into this sport and he just started a section for trials on our web page.

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I think you're in prime territory with the Williamsport crowd nearby.

I'm far from you.

Pottstown...almost to Philly.

I sometimes ride in Nesquehoning on about 10,000 acres that used to be a strip mine. I think that's about 1.5 hours from you.

PM me with your email, and I'll let you know the next time I head up that way.

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