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real bike weights


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Hi folks,

Iv'e seen Montesa/Honda stats saying their 2022 260 weighs 73 kg, is that a real number?

For comparison what is the real weight of say a Beta 2022 250?

Just trying to work out exactly how much weight difference there really is between  the Montesa and the 2 stroke equivalents

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It really depends on the design of the engine, example the Beta and Montesa 4T's have a very compact head design that keeps the weight of the engine more centered than a more typical 4T dirt bike when it comes to their trials bikes and in fact when I compare my daughters Gas Gas 125 to my Montesa the Montesa dose have more weight but its so much lower that it actually feels more planted than the 125.

Sure the 125 is lighter and you can defiantly feel the difference but in the end when comparing curb weight it was only about ~8-9lbs (~4-4.5kg) or so different between the 08 Gas Gas 125 and the 07 Montesa 4RT on my scale.

Just some info for consideration. 

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Oh and my 2017 Montesa 300RR ready to ride weight was 163.2lbs (~74.0kg) and my 07 4RT was 165.9lbs (~75.25kg) curb weight with the Gas Gas 125 at 154.2kbs (~69.9kg).  No it was not a calibrated scale so probably only worth the 2 cents its worth. 


Also the 07 did have some minor weight savings things done to it by the previous owner so that is partly why I think it wasn't that far off of the 300RR.

Edited by jonnyc21
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The montesa weights more, you can feel the difference when picking the back up against my 2022 GasGas, but on the course you don't notice it and the mont is very planted, maybe just not as nimble for moving around when stationary

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Went from a trrs rr 300 to a 2021 Montesa 301. Has to be right around 15 Lbs. Huge difference between bikes as I load without a ramp quite often. And when you hop it is quite noticeable. 

That said, I got rod of the TRS as it does not hold a line. The Montesa is very PLANTED in comparison.


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  • 2 months later...

I just weighed a few bikes:

2022 Vertigo Nitro 300 with a 1/2 tank of fuel and it was 158 lbs (80 rear, 78 front)

2020 GasGas TXT300 with 1/2 tank of fuel and it was 157 lbs. (78 rear, 79 front)

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  • 2 years later...
On 4/2/2022 at 10:02 PM, NEEBLAMMERS said:


Someone's taken the time to lynch a few trials bikes from a tree to answer your queries?

Different weigh ins giving differing weights . No mention of actual fuel weight in each bikes fuel tank makes for an odd comparison but interesting never the less. https://youtu.be/33Jufv5pto4?feature=shared 

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