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Doug Lampkin DL12 screw up


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This guy claims he promotes the sport and won't even broadcast his mega indoor event that has been on the makes for months!

Probably gonna hurt a lot of feeling here but that's just fine! As a trials fan, I feel sad that one of the biggest names in our sport, does so little to promote the sport that gave him everything he has! No excuses, we live in a digital world of facebook live, tiktok and etc... If the dude that has all sorts of connections can't figure out how to hire a company to live cast a small motorcycle event, He is either super incompetent  or he is only in for his personal gain! I said it once and will say again: He is as phony as his wheelie record!! Rant over 

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Putting on an event is hard enough. Broadcasting is another story. Chances are Jitsie or another source will actually record it, edit it and make it worth watching. Live events are not always entertaining to watch.

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1 hour ago, lineaway said:

Putting on an event is hard enough. Broadcasting is another story. Chances are Jitsie or another source will actually record it, edit it and make it worth watching. Live events are not always entertaining to watch.

I agree and disagree! I have bought every single Xtrial event since I started riding. Truthy is the only competition that promotes the sport. the GP is more like a joke, and that I blame on FIM but this time unfortunately I have to put the blame on Douggie  

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41 minutes ago, Glayne said:

Well, he is doing more for the sport than me... and many others... I don't even record my rides or upload to you tube... I reckon he is free to do what he does however he wants?

absolutely he is! but as a public figure and athlete I do believe he is fully capable of handling criticism as well! Not that he will ever read my threads anyways. when it comes to Trials, I m just dirt on his shoes and deservedly so. Still wont stop me from wishing our sport had better coverage for the fans


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1 hour ago, imexian said:

Bro, you had better keep your head down..

No way man!! here in the USA we say what we think! Just making some very small noise. I bet you there are thousands of riders out there that wish they could just go online and watch the world rounds live and etc... They just don't waste time bitching about it. We all know Trials is just a small bubble kind of sport but you can promote something without showing it, otherwise it's just a group of friends riding together

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Leo Leo Leo. 

Next time you stump up the time, the money and the expertise to put on an international event please let us know in your own charming way!

We are a niche sport, we live on a tiny island and the economy is down the toilet in  recession.

This is the first world trials event for several years here so please be a little more generous to a remarkable young man just doing his best. 

(Full disclosure.. I've got green pants and a DL12)

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Also, who is to say he didn't attempt to get coverage lined up but was not able to find someone that was willing to do it other than someone like Jitsie who is likely to do less coverage? 

I understand the complaint and I two would love to have a way to watch it online, happy even to pay to watch, but to blame something like this on someone (Dougie) without knowing the full story is a bit inconsiderate.  And I hope most people don't think that everyone here in the US is willing to do so without some consideration first. 

Edited by jonnyc21
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18 minutes ago, b40rt said:

He's probably to busy inventing a thumb throttle ......

11 hours ago, theluckyone said:

Leo Leo Leo. 

Next time you stump up the time, the money and the expertise to put on an international event please let us know in your own charming way!

We are a niche sport, we live on a tiny island and the economy is down the toilet in  recession.

This is the first world trials event for several years here so please be a little more generous to a remarkable young man just doing his best. 

(Full disclosure.. I've got green pants and a DL12)


4 hours ago, jonnyc21 said:

Also, who is to say he didn't attempt to get coverage lined up but was not able to find someone that was willing to do it other than someone like Jitsie who is likely to do less coverage? 

I understand the complaint and I two would love to have a way to watch it online, happy even to pay to watch, but to blame something like this on someone (Dougie) without knowing the full story is a bit inconsiderate.  And I hope most people don't think that everyone here in the US is willing to do so without some consideration first. 

11 hours ago, theluckyone said:

Leo Leo Leo. 

Next time you stump up the time, the money and the expertise to put on an international event please let us know in your own charming

19 minutes ago, b40rt said:

He's probably to busy inventing a thumb throttle ......


We are a niche sport, we live on a tiny island and the economy is down the toilet in  recession.

This is the first world trials event for several years here so please be a little more generous to a remarkable young man just doing his best. 

(Full disclosure.. I've got green pants and a DL12)

I Like the full disclosure.  

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I agree with the OP. Jitsie say they are doing a full recording and showing it next week to jitsie club members. Why not just stream the footage as you record it? And if you want to charge a premium to watch it live go ahead. Im sure more people would be prepared to spend £10 to watch it live than a week later. Jitsie and doug are very close, so hard to tell who called the shots on that but id say Dougie.

Edited by faussy
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if you hire a stadium (big cost) and then pay the costs to put the event on, you really, really want to sell all the seats (i think it was a sell out). If you advertised free live stream, or even paid live stream, would you sell them seats? It costs real money to get a film crew in, and stream / broadcast it - and what intreast has the poor sod putting event on, got in spending that money?

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