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Txt pro , clutch pack thickness and clutch slip


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I have my clutch pack at 9.74 mm for a 2009 Pro.

From what I read the tolerance is 9.75 to 9.85.

My finger height however is at 10.50

I find the clutch slips in 5th and 6th gear.

The steel plates I have fitted are 1.5mm and 1.6 mm.

What do people suggest,  I don't want to make the clutch too heavy but obviously need to stop it slipping. The finger height seems to be quite out of range....

Thanks in advance. 


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if the pack is ok condition, id probably put a thicker steel plate/(s) in to pack the thickness out

if the packs below thickness its never going to be brilliant, alternatively could run a thicker spring ring, but this will make the clutch heavier.

Ive found finger height to be more important on a gasser than the pack thickness but everyone has their own experiences 

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I believe it was 17 mm. It needs to be thinner to get that height. The easiest way is to get the bike warmed up, stick it in fourth gear against a wall and give the clutch hell. Otherwise there is a few videos to show how to do it by hand. When the pro first came out you could get as small as a 1.3. I save all I come across, must have enough to be a deck of cards.  

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  • 1 year later...

Txt racing 2021

I have a similar problem ,I have fit new soaked plates and got a Measure of 9.98,but when back together the fingers are loose ,is this right ?

I seem to get alot of clutch rattle when not engaged ,is this why ?

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1 hour ago, robbo7 said:

Txt racing 2021

I have a similar problem ,I have fit new soaked plates and got a Measure of 9.98,but when back together the fingers are loose ,is this right ?

I seem to get alot of clutch rattle when not engaged ,is this why ?

Yes, on both questions.

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