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4Ride sprocket and gearing


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Has anyone changed sprocket size on their 4ride? Currently i have 10/41 (which i think is stock) Bike doesn't relly get used for "trials" riding, more for really technical trail and woods riding. I think i can sacrifice a touch of slow speed, to make the ride between sections a little more pleasant. 

I was thinking of changing to 11/41, but not really sure how big a real world effect 1 tooth at the front is. 

Also, i'd like a steel rear sprocket, but evertyhting i see for sale is aimed at 4RT and therefore weight is key and they are all aluminium.

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I have a 36 tooth rear sprocket that came free with one of my 260 4RT' and I rode that sprocket last winter to see if it was any better.  It required I use second gear more because it won't pull third strong enough from a dead stop.  Nothing wrong with aluminum rear sprockets if you keep your chain good.  Running a stretched chain is what kills the sprocket.  With standard gearing third gear is best for faster trails and it pulls strong in fourth, with faster gearing you'll typically end up riding in one gear range lower then you do now.  

... I'm going back to standard gearing for this winter, gearing it faster had no practical advantage. 

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I would say based on my past experience that a single tooth in front is usually close to the same as ~3 teeth on the rear.  So I would guess that would be around the same as going down to a 38 in the rear from the 41 you have now. 

You might be able to get a good idea of the total change by using the gearing commander site/tool... https://www.gearingcommander.com/


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