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St David's British Championship Round


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I'm thinking about going to watch the St David's British round. Anyone know exactly where the venue is? Is it far to walk round? Are the section accessible? Having been to see the Lochaber and Bradford rounds last, wouldn't mind a weekend away in Wales! :chairfall:

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Can anyone recommend a good <mention of this company is not permitted on Trials Central> nearby? Looking at travelling down on Saturday and stopping overnight, coming back Sunday afternoon.

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Re <mention of this company is not permitted on Trials Central>


I will try to dig out some numbers for you - or at least some info on nearby ares you can stay.

There are quite a few Tavelodge/ Holiday Inn places near the venue but I will also trty to get furthet infomation.

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I have just recieved my ACU handbook yesterday.

Upon reading the trials section of it, there is no mention of the FIM rules that are being used in the British Solo Trials Championship the first round of which is the St Davids in a couple of weeks.

At the back it gives a description of all the various Championships, Novogar etc, but again there is no mention of the Full British Championship.

Surely there should be an explanation of the current FIM rules, I understand these rules, as we have been going away to the Europeans for the last two years, but alot of riders will have never ridden under these rules.

If the info is elseware within the book I apologise, but I can't seem to find it? ;)

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its not normal practise to put championship fulls in the handbook (we don't in MX) but for Trials and Enduro you generally do

because so few people (the 60 or so on the list) can enter it the T&E committee are (as i understand) sending the rules out to the relevant parties - ie clubs, riders, etc (thats what John Collins told me when i asked him!)

rabie ;)

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Re - Post about accommodation.

Always easier to use Internet - so I will try to describe areas and then you can take your pick

I have looked a few up if you need to save time.

Cwmbach Cottage - cadoxton - will be near Neath and very close to event

01639 639825

Green Lantern Cimla - Other side of Neath - notr far out of town - about 10-15mins from start

01639 812419

Tree Tops - Briton Ferry - ( outskirts iof Neath) 15mins to start

01639 812419

Abercrave Inn - is supposed to be good - but about

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Re - Query from Adsy Brit Solo Champ Rules/Regs

As Rabie has posted - Whilst we incude the Regs etc for all other Championships - as far as British Solo Championship is concerned for quite a few years now we have not published these all in the Handbook.

Several reasons - most revolving around the facts that there are quite a lot of major diffrences in this Champ from normal Trials Standing Regs.

e.g Minders allowed, Practice, Set times for each round Start/Finish etc

Also of course it is a limited entry Trial and not open to anyone etc, not to mention that over the years we seem to have quie a few last minute changes.

The method now used is that obviously all the Organisers are sent the Championship Conditions and Regulations and then all the riders who have registered are also sent the Regulations.

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The event will be signposted off the A465 at Resolven (3 miles to the NE of the venue and at Aberdulais (2 miles SW of the venue). The actual venue is Lletyrafel Farm, the entry road is off the B4242.

So from the north (M5, M50, A40 exit the A465 at Resolven)

From the South or M4, exit Jct 43 and take A465 towards Merthyr, take second slip road (Aberdulais).

Good luck...fingers crossed for good weather!

Sections look good.


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