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1980 cota 349 No Spark


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Hi, I am on my second Cota 349 build (for my sins) and this one has really gave me a head spin. The engine has just been rebuilt and all I needed to do was connect the electrics and that was it, job done... Er no chance! Brand new points, condenser, stator check(good), new coil, new plug cap and new plug, but no spark. Coil on frame had a very good earth with no paint in between, all engine mounts have good earth as well. 


Can anyone on here throw me a bone to what I might have to do to get a spark please? 

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Photos of things like the points might help somebody spot an issue.  I always meter and scope trouble shoot starting with the source of power and work down stream until you find the missing link.  Alternator first, fuse next, rectifier and regulator if so equipped,  Are you setting your points using a meter to make sure it has a good make and break?  That will confirm if you have the points wired correctly.  Condenser is the hardest thing to meter test but a new one is just as good.  Ignition coil needs to be meter tested on both sides as per the service manual, resistance will be very low on the one side in the range of an ohm or three and exponentially greater on the other, no continuity or incorrect ohm reading on either side is a problem.  Does your spark lead wire, plug cap and spark plug all have the correct resistance or did you change something there?


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  • 5 weeks later...

Hello, does your bike also have an automatic advance and regard ? If it has take a look at it, sometimes they get dirty with oil ECT . When this happens you will get no spark ! In the past I have treated this with a very generous dose of WD40  and problem solved . kind regards Bernard .

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