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Bike advice for 10 year old


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Hi all I am looking for a bike for my 10 year old lad. This will be his first bike. People have suggested a ty80 as a good starter but I can’t help think these are a bit outdated now? Having said that I don’t want to spend a fortune if doesn’t carry it on. The ty are in budget along with the 50cc autos from beta etc. Would the 50cc autos be to small for him are they any good or should I go down the clutch/geared route ie ty80 ……….any help or advice much appreciated 

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Ty 80 was and still is a brilliant bike. So many youngsters started on them.  You wont see that many kids starting on them now. I dont know what you want to spend. Petrol wise you could look for a beta rev 50 at cheaper end or small wheel beta 80, junior. That way you get the whole clutch and gears thing from day 1 and good brakes!  Kids learn v quick i wouldn't be concerned and personally think its better than the rev n go.

Other option is the v popular oset route. Don't be put off by thinking its an electric toy, it isnt its an excellent route into it that so many choose. There is then a learning curve swapping onto petrol but just takes time

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I started my daughter out, at around 8, on a small PW50 clone to learn to ride and as soon as she was good on that I upgraded her to a beta 80 with a clutch.  It didn't take long for her to learn the clutch even after the auto on the smaller bike and so if your kid can ride a bike I would expect even a Beta 80 small wheel would be a great first bike. 

Good luck making your call on what to get. 

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My 9yr old currently has an Oset 20, Beta 80 Sr, and Cobra 50 (motocross bike).  The Oset 20 is a little small for him.  Osets are a great way to start. The 24 model Oset should fit a typical 10yr old well. 

The beta 80 is also really user friendly if you want to go straight to gas and clutch, but I'd suggest the Oset for starters.  My son started on his first Oset for his 2nd birthday and has learned a ton riding them. 

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  • 2 months later...

You said the oset 20 is to small

For your  9’year old ? I’m was looking at getting the 20 for my almost 10 year old ?  From what I understood the 20 inch is good till about 12 years old. They recommend 13 year old and up for the 24 inch.  How tall is your 9 year old ??

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