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Anyone know what this is??


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Got a 2018 Montesa 260 4RT

pulled it out of the garage last week & it kicked over first time

let it run for 10 minutes, turned it off then kicked it over It started 1st time again

let it run for a bit and ooking at the tacho it was running at over 2000 rpm so I turned the screw in a touch so it was running nicely at about 1850rpm

at the same time I tucked the wiring that runs from the ignition behind the clip under the regulator......

turned it off then when I came to restart it wouldn’t start, did the reset, still wouldnt start

so I looked at that wiring from the ignition & took off some loose electrical tape & pulled it out from the clip

seen there was a crack in the insulation & when I looked inside I found this

anyone know what it is? Surely can’t be from the factory?

bike still won’t start 😤




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I have no clue what that is, but that bike has the wiring run wrong. That is why it is so twisted looking.  I would turn that adjuster back a full turn counterclockwise and start it again. I leave my bike running just above 2000 rpm`s.

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13 hours ago, lineaway said:

I have no clue what that is, but that bike has the wiring run wrong. That is why it is so twisted looking.  I would turn that adjuster back a full turn counterclockwise and start it again. I leave my bike running just above 2000 rpm`s.

It’s a security ID chip, Datatag or similar.

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Thanks Spen, it is indeed what you say, data tag chip, glad I didn’t throw it away!

hi lineaway, I’ll see if I can straighten the wiring when I put the chip back in

had this starting issue earlier in the year so hopefully it is just turning out the adjuster enough to get it started

should have left it alone at 2k rpm🤬

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