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Converting 300 2023 gas gas txt to 250


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A follow up on my hard to start Gasgas.

I purchased a s3 head and low compression insert for my 2023 gasgas 300 GP. It made it a little easier to kick. I would buy it again, but it wasn’t a huge game changer. I think the bike broke in a little also. Before the head It would always start 2 or 3 kicks when cold with the choke on. But the compression when the bike was warm was really tough on me. Sometimes I couldn’t get a full kick. I would look for a tree to lean on to get a solid kick.  Truly wore me out. I’m an intermediate rider, I couldn’t feel any power differences. Still plenty of power. 

But I can’t stress enough what a game changer the following starting procedure is  


when warm,

put the bike in gear. 

Roll it back

Pull in the clutch


The bike will kick easier, No compression kick back 

The bike will start first kick 9 out of 10 times. Never more than 2 kicks using this procedure. And if it doesn’t start first kick the compression doesn’t wear you out, I’m 66 years old and 150 pounds. If I was bigger and stronger maybe the original compression wouldn’t have been a issue. I now have zero thoughts of converting to a 250. I’ve kicked a 2023 Gasgas 250 GP and those bikes are much easier to kick. 

I’ve ordered a fly wheel weight, and a slower throttle. I’ll follow up with these parts. 








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On 3/19/2024 at 8:18 PM, robido said:

Put a extra base basket on will and make it softer and easier to start

I would think the most easy way to lower the compression is to shim the spark plug. All you will have to do is to put a washer on the spark plug so the spark plug sits higher.

Having said that i do not know if putting a washer on the spark plug is not recomended but i am sure other members here on the forum knows. 

I have read about people doing this to lower the compression but if it works it is not much job to lower the compression just by putting on a washer on the spark plug.   

My 2006 Gas Gas TXT 125 Pro and a 2006 Gas Gas TXT 250 Pro starts really easy.

When the bike is cold i put the choke on and the bike usually starts on the first or second try. When the bike is warm i jus give it a little throttle and it starts on the first try



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