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Boots for big calves


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I'm a big heavy dude with an active job, so I have quite huge calves. The A-stars Tech T's I tried out when buying my bike weren't even close to closing. I found a couple older threads about this topic, but thought I'd ask around in case there's any new models. Right now it looks like Gaerne Balances with the adjustable strap lugs are my best bet, any other models I should look into? 

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On 3/27/2024 at 4:25 PM, mcman56 said:

Any chance you could measure your calf diameter at the mouth of the boots, and the height the mouth is from the foot? I've been eyeing the Formas too, especially since they seem a lot more protective than the Gaernes, but from what I've heard they're a lot less roomy.

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12 hours ago, bigboi said:

Any chance you could measure your calf diameter at the mouth of the boots, and the height the mouth is from the foot? I've been eyeing the Formas too, especially since they seem a lot more protective than the Gaernes, but from what I've heard they're a lot less roomy.

Biggest difference between Forma and Gaerne is not the fit but the hardness of the leather, Forma leather is soft enough to not require break-in and they wear out faster especially near the ankle.  

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I was talking about relative size of foot to calf.  My latest pair are size 44 so any measurements I take would probably mean little to someone named bigboi.  IIRC, Forma and Gaerne fit exactly the same except that Forma are an inch or two taller, at least in my size.  The only other brand I tried was Alpinestars but they were quite narrow so got returned.  

I have had the opposite experience from Lemur with Gaerne and Forma.  For me Gaernes are quite soft and require little break in.   In not a very long time, they start to feel as soft as bedroom slippers.  The soles are also softer which may give you better traction on the pegs.  I find the Forma to be stiffer and require more break-in.  The stiffer feel, even after break-in, makes them feel more protective.  The harder soles also last longer.  I'm on my second pair of Forma Boulder and have a pair of their adventure boots.  All feel the same.  These are the waterproof ones and I don't know if that makes a difference.  I have had a number of pairs of Gaerne but don't remember what model.    


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Such contrasting experience with the materials is likely the result of leather being a natural material, my issue is the exact opposite with fit but I never noticed much difference between the Boulder and the Balance fit at the calves.  I buy either of those boots without hesitation and destroy them in about 2 - 3 years.  They are all waterproof even in winter if you stick your foot into a plastic bread bag before you put the boot on 🤓

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  • 1 month later...

I return! The Gaerne Balance Classic latches closed around my 20" calves with ease, but the velcro just baaarely closes. I wear a size 45 work boot from a Finnish manufacturer (we have wide feet) and this size 45 is quite narrow, though accurately sized lengthwise. I'm going to try to muscle through it and see if they'll break in, as I want to finally go on my first non-parking lot ride.  Alpinestars and Sidi boots didn't come *close* to closing, so I'll take it. Future buyers beware, my intel says only the Classic has the adjustable latches necessary for big fits, the Oiled and Pro-Tech variants don't.


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