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Kicking back


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Hi, ran my 2016 ST250 a few weeks back and it was faultless. 

Had a training day on Saturday, thought I'd kick the bike over Friday night to make sure it was okay. It wasn't. It was kicking back (never done it once before). I wondered if I was kicking too lightly so got my boots on and tried again, still kicking back and even managed to start it's self backwards twice. I eventually got it to run and warmed it up but it persisted. 

Next morning at trials day I explained I was having issues and luckily I had the option to hire a bike, went to start mine and I snapped the kickstart clean off when it kicked back. Hire bike it was then. 


Where's the best place to start? I've just whipped the flywheel off and the stator plate appears to be in the right place (I was wondering if it could have slipped). Flywheel key is still intact. At trials day they mentioned the CDI could be the issue. I'm happy to replace anything but don't want to for the sake of it, especially with the cdi being about £150. 

I've heard of stators being the cause, is there anyway to test this? If so is a rewind worth while or fork out for a replacement? 


I'm not in a huge rush to get it fixed so don't mind replacing cheaper stuff first. I've ordered a replacement kickstart. Very keen to not snap that one! 


Thanks in advance for any advice. 

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Stators can be meter tested, spark timing can be checked with a strobe, but nothing beats a second identical model motorcycle to swap parts out until the problem goes to the other bike, particularly when the part being tested is the ignition control module.  The ability to self service your own rides is motivation to own 2 trials bikes of the same model.

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9 hours ago, lemur said:

Stators can be meter tested, spark timing can be checked with a strobe, but nothing beats a second identical model motorcycle to swap parts out until the problem goes to the other bike, particularly when the part being tested is the ignition control module.  The ability to self service your own rides is motivation to own 2 trials bikes of the same model.

I would love to have the funds and space to do this, but it's not an option unfortunately. 

1 hour ago, teamferret said:

Try retarding the ignition

I was thinking of trying this, but as it doesn't look like it's moved, it won't help me figure out what's changed will it? It shouldn't had ran fine one day then not want to run at all without something failing? 

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I havent tried a new plug yet, I did clean the ome thats in which didn't make a difference. 

I didn't wonder at first if I was being lazy as I'd just stuck a boot on without socks and not tied it. So I put some socks on and laced my boots up and gave it some proper kicks. Still the same. 

I must have owned at least 20 kickstart bikes and never had an issue before so I'm happy to rule out kicking technique. 

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