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OSSA Gearbox removal (revisited).


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The 2015 Explorer I recently got was worked on by someone that should not be allowed anywhere near one of these- heck and bike at all. Due to some issues from wrong assembly etc, I wanted to pull gearbox. There are very small screws with a 3mm allen.  Why so small, I have no idea. They are plenty big for a much larger head. 

Anyway, one of them had the allen stripped by the person, another the allen wrench broken off. Fortunately, I came across this before and the fix was easy. I found some small mounted stones that I could use with my Foredom dental handpiece. I connected up a vacuum to get away as much grit as I could, and made an opening in the clutch hub a bit larger. That way I can fit in the special turned down ‘RocketSocket’ and take those out. About 20 minutes of grinding, tapping in the RockeSocket and both were out! 

Yes, it will require very careful cleaning. But it is out and I can address everything. Too bad OSSA didn’t make those opening a little larger to begin with and make those bolts a better setup. Maybe I will design some that will take a 5mm allen. I think I will

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