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Rev3 Tank Removal


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Dear Beta people,

Can you help please.. I am trying to remove the petrol tank on my 06 REV3 250cc (just got it today).

I am struggling to get it off..is there a special tool or technique I need to use.

Any replies welcome

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It is a tough one, but it can be done.

Go to your local hardware store, buy a pocket full of hacksaw blades.

Puttin it back is where the problem will come in to play. :thumbup:

BTW - not recommended to ride test bike with tank removed.

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Dear Beta people,

Can you help please.. I am trying to remove the petrol tank on my 06 REV3 250cc (just got it today).

I am struggling to get it off..is there a special tool or technique I need to use.

Any replies welcome

You got a load of sense there mate !

Give Al the Spanner a ring at whites we just got an 06 rev 3 off him and he took the lights off i'm presuming thats what your doing

Hope your sorted for tomorrow :thumbup:

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Dear Beta people,

Can you help please.. I am trying to remove the petrol tank on my 06 REV3 250cc (just got it today).

I am struggling to get it off..is there a special tool or technique I need to use.

Any replies welcome

You got a load of sense there mate !

Give Al the Spanner a ring at whites we just got an 06 rev 3 off him and he took the lights off i'm presuming thats what your doing

Hope your sorted for tomorrow :thumbup:

:( Aw no! he's a fellow Geordie 'anaahl :D

Geordies 0--Southern softies 1 ( Windlestone o.g)

Edited by HAM2
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Dear Beta people,

Can you help please.. I am trying to remove the petrol tank on my 06 REV3 250cc (just got it today).

I am struggling to get it off..is there a special tool or technique I need to use.

Any replies welcome

You got a load of sense there mate !

Give Al the Spanner a ring at whites we just got an 06 rev 3 off him and he took the lights off i'm presuming thats what your doing

Hope your sorted for tomorrow :thumbup:

:D Aw no! he's a fellow Geordie 'anaahl :D

Geordies 0--Southern softies 1 ( Windlestone o.g)

A knew all alang wot the crack woz just playing withuh southern softies :(:D

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:D:D That's the spirit lads :D:o

I can only assume from the few genuine replies that most of the Beta riders are in their garages now,weighing up their response before committing to type. :thumbup:

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.. Harrow Bank( Death Valley!) for me tomorrow..then again.. maybe not. :(

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