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What's Wrong With The 2000 Shercos


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I posted this on the The Best Shero Poll but nobody replied so I thouht I'd try again!

I notice the 2000 is last in the poll I've got a 2000 290 and wondered what you guys feel make it worse than the rest.

With my level of skill I don't think it'll make a lot of difference to me, but I'm just curious :huh:


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i think the 99 and the 00 are the best shercos i have ridden most of the shercos i think these ones are the best and they havent got flimsey back mudguards , exausts you cant repack,and air boxes that get water in them

and i think they are the nicests looking

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My brother had a 2000 ,290 and it was an ace bike!! When he got a 2002, he wished that he still had his old one. The 2000 power seemed more forgiving and was lower geared (i think). It was an excellent bike for a novice, and if you're happy with it ,as i suspect you are, then i wouldn't take any notice of these polls! Personally i prefer the look of the newer ones but suspect that i would get better results on the 2000.

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