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2022 Evo 250 Factory clutch re-assembly order


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Hi all,

About to replace the clutch in my brother’s ‘22 Factory 250.

When cold the clutch plates won’t release and it’s 5 mins riding before the clutch works.

Ive had it in bits 3 times now and followed all the tips to clear the glue, file and dremmel the plates etc. but it still sticks on cold starts. Works perfectly once warm.

I’ve given in and bought a new set of friction plates to fit.

On the Factory there are 2 thicker friction plates which go on the outside edges (e.g 1st and last plate in the stack).

Now the 5x metal plates are also slightly different as in there are 3 plain plates, and 2 plates with a 90degree lip on the bottom (inside edge).

Unfortunately in dismantling and reassembling 3 times I’ve forgotten the order.

Looking at the exploded diagram on the Beta site it shows these 2 plates should be in position 2 and 4, so a plain plate in between and on the 2 outer plates.

BUT the diagram doesn’t show the lip.

So my question is should the 2 lips face inwards toward each other, both outwards away from each other, or not facing the kickstart or both facing the clutch.

Any ideas?



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Been riding Beta`s since 1990. Though I switched to Montesa when the new 301 came out. Just switching back and not had the pleasure of multiple plates. So I can`t answer that question. All Beta`s seem to have the cold stick issue. A lot of that has to due with oi[ and clutch drag. The best way to remove drag is to shim it.


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