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Matador Mk2/Model 16 Cylinder and Sherpa T Model 10


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Does any Bultaco expert know if the Matador Mk2 Model 16 (4 speed) CYLINDER is the same as the Sherpa T model 10?  My Model 16 cylinder has come to the end of its life.  I acquired the bike with a 74mm piston and now it needs another rebore.  Unfortunately, the commonly used Wiseco piston (that you need to cut 10mm off the inlet side of the skirt) don't come any larger than 74mm.  I contacted Wiseco and could make a batch of 12, but that's more than the bike is worth, and I don't have the upfront cash to hold them and try to sell the extras.  Also, I struck out on finding a cylinder liner.  So..... I have found a Sherpa Model 10 cylinder or jug as some people call it in good shape.  Of course, I'd fit it with a new piston.  I've only seen pictures of it, but it looks like it is the same as my Matador's cylinder.  

Can anyone confirm if they are the same cylinder?  

Thank you

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