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Sticky Domino Throttle


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I've just come across an issue with my Domino throttle. After a small inversion that has left the throttle with a minor scar in the plastic (which may be a red herring), it has become sticky. Off the bike or with the clamp screws loose, it is fine. As soon as I start to tighten the clamp screws the self-closing disappears. I've tried packing the clamps with a thin piece of plastic: no good. I've tried tightening the clamp screws with the throttle off the handlebar and it works fine.
Any ideas? I'm reluctant to take the throttle apart because of the return spring and the alignment of the gears, but that is looking like it will have to be my next move.
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It was a slight (invisible) distortion of the housing caused by the bike landing upside-down. After much fiddling, poking and swearing I identified that when the half of the clamp that is integral with the housing was pressed hard against the handlebar, the throttle tube was binding against the bar. I couldn't get it to work by packing with a thin piece of plastic so used about three turns of PVC tape around the bar. I still can't tighten the screws as much as I would like but it is working now.

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