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Gasgas 125cc for a full-size rider?


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Hello guys, for some reason I have an itch to give trial another chance... owned a Beta Rev 270 and a Gasgas TXT280... the GG wasn't street legal so I had to carry it on my SUV, very annoying.

It looks like prices are all over the place at the moment... I wanted to get a cheap but decent bike to see if I can get better, but I want it street legal to not be forced to carry it on my car.

It looks like I'd have to spend at least €2000 for a relatively recent Gasgas (2008 to 2012), while early 2000s models are only slightly cheaper at €1600. Makes no sense.

Anyway I've also found a pretty cheap 2004 TXT 125cc. that's also road legal... but I'm almost 6' (180cm) and 82kg... is it too small for me? It's got a few S2 goodies here and there, €700.

I'm also in love with the look and sound of 70s trials, I'm in the process of putting back together an Ossa Mick Andrews but it will likely stay as is, not road legal as down here in Italy it would cost more than €550 to get new plate and paperwork.

I'd like to be able to follow a friend on his enduro bike... of course on flat surface it would be impossible as most trials only go up to maybe 80km/h? He'll have to be patient. 😄 

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