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Road Insurance


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Sorry to bring this up again.....

But my insurance renewal has just come through and the insurer is now explicitly excluding use in motor cycle trials, not a lot of good for me as that's all I use it for - of course the fire and theft cover is useful to.

Any friendly Insurers left that understand that a bike being used in a road trial is slightly less risk than Joe Blogg's Sunday ride to the Cafe on his Blade ?

Your help will be most appreciated

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Could it not be argued that the road is just used to get between sections. The trial does not take place on the road. You do not need cover to take part in the event as this is already provided by the insurance paid to the ACU. Might be worth pressing this point

Mark T

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  • 3 weeks later...
Could it not be argued that the road is just used to get between sections. The trial does not take place on the road. You do not need cover to take part in the event as this is already provided by the insurance paid to the ACU. Might be worth pressing this point

                                                  Mark T

You know what Insurance companies are like though. You have a bump while you're riding and there's no way they are going to pay out.

I know it's pretty unlikely, but in that case there's no point having it if the only time you actually need it it's invalid.

You're probably OK as long as the police are concerned - You get stopped and get a producer, then you go to your local police station and prove you've got insurance - the event doesn't come in to it (probably).

Someone suggested recently that you hang a couple of Tesco's bags off the bars and deny all knowledge of any event going on. You're just out shopping :lol: Not convinced it would work though ;)

Do many clubs provide this "Day insurance" available from the ACU for

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Carole Nash in Altrincham, Greater Manchester, 0800-298-5500 will insure trials bikes. When you contact them the staff always understand what type of bike you are talking about. They will also insure unregistered bikes for the couple of weeks needed to register the bike, all they require is the frame number. I've had my <mention of this company is not permitted on Trials Central. Please delete this post> bikes insured with them for a number of years now and found them to be very professional and competitive pricewise.


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Hardy, Hardy, Har, Bikespace ;)

Where you riding this weekend?? I'm thinking of riding an AMCA (never rode an amca trial before) trial on ther Clee Hill, There using one of the groups used in the Vic Brittian.

Edited by Marky G
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Not even had a look yet. I know there's a Wrexham trial on. I think at Wern Ddu.

Wherever I go I'll be taking my mates lad with me so need to make sure there's a yellow route and youth are allowed to ride. Do the AMCA allow youth?

Mind you I'm playing Rugby Saturday for the first time in a while, so we'll see how we go. Never very forgiving in the front row so I may be watching on Sunday ;)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Response from Footman James after a week:

Dear Mr Hinton

Unfortunately, we are unable to provide you with a quotation, this is due

to, we can not rate for your bike.

Thank you

Looks like you're OK with a Scorpa, no Sherco, not sure what else they recognise

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