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Alan, this is no laughing matter!

Today is the massive May day immigrant protest in LA and the rest of the country. I saw my first Mexican flag flying on a truck last night, not a little one but full size.

The last immigrant protest in LA had 500,000 people in the streets flying the Mexican flag. We had a riot at our local High School Friday over immigration! Why not wave US flags? I have no problem with Mexican flags but why wave them in the streets of America?

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We are expecting 3/4 of a million people to march today in Chicago. Funny, no way. They even altered our national Anthem for the event. Eight million immigrants are un-documented living in America.

* That's eight million jobs that aren't going to un-employeed Americans.

* That's eight million jobs that aren't collecting income taxes.

* That's eight million jobs that are not being paid a living wage.

* That's eight million jobs that offer no health insurance. Un-insured injuried workers strain the insurance premiums those of us do pay.

* That's a possible eight million terrorists. OK, that's a stretch.

Still we are dealing with this issue in the USA trials community with the leRiche brothers. From the best of my knowledge, they are following the rules.

And this is the county that dictates to us if we can ride on our own land? Where are the priorities?

My feeling is, get legal or go home.

Edited by City Trials
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Saturday was a great trial and we will defenetely miss riding there, we where late to the dinner that Mich Lin mentioned because we just didn't want to leave :D

As for the boycott and immigrant thing my wife and I plan on eating all our meals out at restaurants and we are going on a shopping spree for all the things we have been wanting to get....I hope other people do the same. :D

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I'll take all the legal imigrants like the LaRiche brothers we can get. I'm not anti imigrate just anti Outlaw imigrate! My view is simple, if imigrants can pick and choose which US laws they will or won't obey, I demand the right to do the same. I don't like the tax laws, so I'd like to stop paying income tax. Likewise, if some area looks good for trials, I'm there, Who cares what the law says?

Your estimate of 8 million is very conservative, some estimates say 20 million illegal imigrants are in the USA. When the government grants another amnasty to those here, they can then send for all their relatives living outside the country legally.

Using your conservative estimate of 8 million illegal immigrants, Which is low! After amnasty these 8 or more million can bring in grandpa and grandma, their wife and kids and other extended family. The estimate is that each immigrant will bring in 5 more people legally.

Do the math!

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Just remember, our forefathers were all imigrants too. Guess the Native Americans are getting a laugh. We came in waves, taking land and waiving the Union Jack. What's different??

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More to it than simply imigrants. LEGAL imigrants. The load the illegals are putting on us in Cali. is tough to handle. Going to ER at the hospital takes hours upon hours because the imigrants use it as "free Health care". Payments for Welfare to children born in the States with illegal imigrant parents. Taxes they don't pay. Insurance rates driven up by uninsured motorists. It is NOT a simple issue any means. I have to admit, traffic congestion yesterday was non existant. My commute that usually takes 45-90 minutes home was a nice 35 minutes. I'm with Lane-how can you choose a law to observe? I spent a bit of time in the military making taking care of my duty to the country-the illegals don't. There are far to many that feel they desire the same rights as citizens-which they have not earned.

Edited by motomickey
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You sound like Louis Farrakhan when he says the founding fathers where illegal immigrants :angry:

It was a totally different time and this wasn't a official country with boarders, they came over as explores and yes maybe conquerors and we did horrible things to the Indians but that's how things where back then and that doesn't make it right. It is a lot different than sneaking across the boarder to take advantage of what you can get from a country.

The other thing is all the people that work hard and do it the right way and go threw the processes and come here legally all this is just like spitting in their face :o

Yeah, motomickey traffic was nice though they should do it every day :D

wow is this off topic or what? :D

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:D And just imagine what would of happened to illegal imagrants

in any other country than the U.S.A if they tried to protest the law of the

land or change the main spoken langage . I'm sure you socal guys have heard the horror stories of the mexican jails all your life ... Go to mexico and protest !!! I'll bet even the mexicans wouldn't do that !

Land of the free !!! Gotta love it !!

:D Glenn

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This is indeed an emotional topic for many reasons! Like I said I have no trouble with legal imigrants. I don't even mind the outlaw imigrants provided the government dosn't force me to obey laws the outlaw imigrants don't have to obey. Double standards stink.

I imagine if I lived in Mexico, one of the most corupt countries in the world I'd come accross to the USA without papers as well. I'd also be VERY thankful to my new country, would learn the language and try my very hardest to blend into the culture as soon as possible.

Just last week, a family from my son's school was a hit and run victom by an outlaw imigrat driver. The dad was driving and he chased down the driver who was drunk, had no licence or insurance and had taken the car from a family member without permission. The police released the drunk driver, scott free back into society! They could do nothing because he was from Mexico.

Not all Mexican imigrants are bad people! A stuntgirl friend of ours was rearended by an imigrant. The driver was very sorry, he also took her to the nearest autobody shop and paid for the repairs.

Why todays imigrants are differnt than those 300 years ago is fairly simple. The American indians didn't provide free healthcare, free $150,000 public school education, welfare when the Europeans had a child and government supported HUD housing for that child's family. The American indians were not that dumb!

On a high note, traffic was great yesterday, the malls were a pleasure and the public schools had 25% fewer students in each class. Giving the students a much better teacher to student ratio. I also heard that the waits were much shorter at the hospitals.

Edited by Mich Lin
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Lane; I would have to agree , some of my best freinds from the years I

lived in socal were LEGAL imagrants , That respected the laws and the

freedom afforded them here ... The rest I had to tolarate when I lived

near Indio for a while ( did my senior year in high school there )

Were Quite a culture shock for a kid from conneticut via Glendora !!!!

Oh well ... REspect our laws and society or go home to the corrupt

country you fled for a better life !!!!


END OF MY RANT !#!#!$$!!

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This posting is from the ATA group.

Down, again, to Riverside County, for their continuing assault on private

property rights. A guy who owns five acres in the Hemet California area that he wants to build his house on.

The County of Riverside is requiring him to dedicate three of the five acres for

burrowing owl habitat. An inspector found one (old and now unoccupied) owl

borrow just inside his fence.

His property shares a boundary with several hundred acres of BLM land.

Now the reasonable person would think that the BLM land was ample habitat.

Does anybody wonder why we pay so much for housing in California. Every

developer must set aside substantial amount of land for habitat or

conservation plus pay exorbitant mitigation fees, and the price per

remaining parcel goes up.

I hope we're all paying attention to our voting today. Do we know who our

candidates are and who is supported by such things as the Sierra Club,

Feinstein, Boxer or other green groups?

Do we know who is said to be the candidate "who would be the greenest governor California ever had."

Of course, if you are not a registered Democrat, or independent?, you can't be

putting any of those guys on the ballot anyway.....but....there are plenty

of other offices up for grabs, and who are your local people?

What kind of judge, for example, may be making a decision in the lawsuit that the

recreation/ohv community interests have brought against Riverside County?

Do you get the CORVA Off Roaders in Action mailing...to see a list of those

candidates for various areas that are recreation-friendly?

Are you aware that the Governator recently appointed three new members to

the OHV commission?. Do you know that the commission is being sued for

misappropriation and mismanagement of funds by the current membership of

self serving green-agenda "conservationists"? Do you know these new

appointees and their bios? I'm not exactly suggesting that we absolutely be single-issue voters, but, green issues, over and over, profoundly effect so much of the rest of our lives that you have to weigh those in with your decision.

Edited by Dabnabit
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