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Will This Be Raga's Year?

steve fracy

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Guest olly_sherco

I think Dougie will just grab the outdoor title by the skin of his teeth. Partly because of his gritty determined attitude and his experience of course. I dont think he would have continued riding if he didn't think he was capable of his 8th successive title. I hope he gets it.

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I really expected Dougie to bounce back with vengence at that last indoor round after a horrible 5th before that! I know, Iknow it's only indoors. But I seem to remember not too long ago when Doug was untouchable there too. It really makes for a very interesting outdoor season coming up! Raga has to be at an all time high in confidence right now! I say if he beats Doug in the first round, it might be all over! Sorry guys, I think Doug is the greatest ever too, but everything will come to an end. Can't wait to see what happens

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I have to agree with Steve

'03 would have been a totally different season had the Spanish Champs protest not changed the result of the WTC. I'm not saying that the title would have gone elsewhere, but the running order would have been very different.

Raga was mega confident after he lifted the indoor title, so confident that he thought he could strike and get Lampkin & Co removed from the Spanish Champs. With the No.1 on his shirt again, expect him to be confident for the start of the Outdoor Season, if he gets a good result or two in the first couple of rounds then there's going to be a big fight all season.

With the Indoor pretty much lost, what Dougie needs is a couple of decent results (i.e. wins !) in the closing rounds and no less than a win in the next Spanish Outdoor round.

I'd like to see Dougie get rid of all the gremlins indoors and then do the business outdoors when it really counts. After all, how can a 'circus' of 6 riders, riding a maximum of 20 sections per event constitute a true world championship.

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  • 4 months later...

Let's face it Ishy, we all like Dougie a lot and would love to see him pull some of that old magic out of the hat, but I don't think it's going to happen! The competition is fierce this year. Fuji is finding the consistency he has lacked for many years. Raga is about to find his stride about now and it seems as though this next stretch could well be to his favour. If he can manage to win the next two venues, it should make the whole thing very interesting!! I still can't wait to see how it pans out. If nothing else, Raga has time on his side compared to his other two rivals!!

Cheers, Steve

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I agree Steve. I'd love to see Dougie pull though, and I'd like to think he could do it...but you must admit Raga is a VERY talented lad and its time for Dougie to move over and let Raga step into his boots.

I do support Raga, hes an entertaining rider to watch...he deserves it if he wins!

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I agree Steve, he needed to be in front by a good few points at this stage of the series, the first half of the season had tough wet trials, now the move on to the big dry stuff it does favor Raga style more.

The calls didn't go Doug's way this year and he was beat on most cleans and by the odd dab in a few events.

Tiger Woods, is having the same sort of year and done nowt in major events for the past twelve months, but I wouldn't write him off as over the hill yet!! same goes for Doug, the season hasn't gone how he would of liked but he still is the man to beat when on form.

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  ishy said:
Tiger Woods, is having the same sort of year and done nowt in major events for the past twelve months

Grrrrr. Tiger Woods is the Anna Kournikova (sp?) of golf. No majors for two years (I'm open to correction) but still no 1 in the world rankings.

Dougie's a class act who's staring at the slippery downhill, Woods (and Kournikova) are hyped out of all proportion.

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